Clifton High School
333 Colfax Avenue
Clifton, NJ 07013
(973) 470-2282
ROUTE 46 EAST: After Route 3 junction, continue on Route 46 under one overpass and turn right immediately after the overpass.
Make right onto Grove Street. Go to light and make left onto Van Houten Avenue. Make left onto Kathryn Street to High School.
ROUTE 46 WEST: Take Clifton Exit (Broad Street). Turn right onto Broad Street.
Proceed on Board Street to 2nd traffic light and make left onto Van Houten Avenue.
Make left onto Kathryn St. to High School.
ROUTE 80: Exit on Route 46 and proceed as above.
ROUTE 3 WEST: Grove Street exit. Turn right onto Grove Street. Proceed to 1st light and make right onto Van Houten Avenue.
Proceed to Kathryn Street, turn left to High School.
GARDEN STATE PARKWAY NORTH: Exit #153B, bear left, and proceed west on Route 3 to Grove Street exit.
Go up ramp onto Grove Street. Proceed to 1st light and make a right onto Van Houten Avenue.
Proceed to Kathryn Street, turn left to High School.
GARDEN STATE PARKWAY SOUTH: Exit #154. Keep right. Proceed left onto Grove Street to traffic light.
Turn left onto Van Houten Avenue. Make left onto Kathryn Street to High School.
Continue on Van Houten Avenue and make left onto Monhegan Street. Continue to 2nd block on right to Richardson Oval.
Located off Route 46 at the Christopher Columbus Middle School.
Route 46 East to first light, right to end, left onto Luddington Avenue. Left onto Third Street, through traffic light,
bare left under Route 46, right into parking lot at Christopher Columbus Middle School.
Lexington Avenue, Clifton off Route 46, follow signs for Botany Village/Passaic (park is opposite Passaic River).
WOODROW WILSON MIDDLE SCHOOL: 1400 Van Houten Avenue, Clifton
ROUTE 46 EAST: Right turn after Parkway Diner. At traffic light turn left, go as far as you can then turn right onto Midland Avenue.
(Or go on Outwater Lane and turn onto Midland Ave.)
FLOYD HALL RINK: Located at Montclair State University. Garden State Parkway South to Route 3 West.
Route 3 merges with Route 46. Exit highway at first U-turn, Great Notch Rifle Camp Road (after merge).
Make left turn and go onto Route 46 West. (Same Highway-Opposite direction).
Make a right onto Clove Road. Exit for Montclair University at diner. Rink is off Clove Road (part of Montclair University)